Fraud Hotline Details

FA Number
Date 04/22/2021
First Name Beth
Last Name Wynne
Email Address
Phone Number +91 +14127264654
Department Kane Community Living Centers
Perpertrator Dan Steach
Description I would like to anonymously report abuse of funding. Mr Steach (spelling?) has been in charge of security and maintenance for a very long time. This man spends his days in his office watching all of us in camera all day. He has been accused of sexual harassment, as well as harassing his own direct employees. He has now taken charge of replacing all of the cameras in the Ross facility so that they can zoom in. He bullies nursing in areas he is not aware of how processes work. Somehow this man has the power to oversee our entire facility to the point that our administration just bows down. We have no staff to care for our residents however they will not offer bonuses or pay equal to what they would pay agency to come in and work. We are working so short to the point it is unsafe, we do not even have working equipment to take vitals on our residents, but we are now getting a second "slew" of new cameras and migraine inducing led lighting. Many of us are there to serve our residents, safely, and in the best way we can. This is an unsafe and, quite frankly, becoming a disgusting place to be. Many of our staff members feel this way however our current union is trying to pull out, therefore we have no contract, and soon possibly no union. I am requesting your office look into funding for Kane Ross and how it's being allocated. Our employees and residents deserve more than 1000's of dollars of new cameras. Especially when they can't even have phone lines in their rooms, or proper psych care or therapies because of Medicare funding being so low. Feel free to reach out to me however I would like to remain anonymous. Thanks you in advance.