Allegheny County Controller Corey O’Connor announced his office’s release of its annual audit to ensure compliance with the terms of federal grants received by Allegheny County.

The audit covered 14 grant programs with expenditures of $280 million out of a total of $450 million spent by the County in federal grants. This covers 62 percent of the expenditures, far exceeding the 40 percent requirement.

While many government entities utilize outside auditing firms to complete their single audits, the Controller’s office saved more than $100,000 in taxpayer funds by performing the audit in-house.

Among the audit’s findings:

  • Benefit costs for some Department of Economic Development employees applied to federal grants did not always reflect the percentage of their work spent on grant-funded projects.
  • A program of the Department of Human Services (DHS) which engages in leases of rental housing applied to use federal funding for costs that exceeded fair market rent as defined by the federal government.
  • DHS programs receiving funding from multiple federal funding streams did not always document which expenditures applied to which funding source.

Corrective action will allow these departments to maintain compliance and retain the grants.

“Completion of the single audit is one of the numerous ways our Auditing division provides value for the taxpayers, saving on costs that would otherwise be paid to outside vendors and ensuring that the terms of receiving crucial federal funding are met,” O’Connor said.

View the Single Audit Report for Year Ended December 31, 2022.